Day 5: Mid-day

I've had the food song from the musical "Oliver" in my head all morning. Not really sure why. Oh, wait... I know... I get to eat it today.  :-)

I had a food day a couple of days ago, but it was Grace's field trip and it just didn't work out all that well. I managed to eat 1/2 C. spinach and 1/4 C. whole grain cous cous, but chasing after a group of four girls, plus my two little ones, took precedence.

So today, I was really looking forward to sitting down to an actual plate of food. For lunch, I had 3 oz. of turkey, 1/2 C. spinach and 1/2 C. whole grain cous cous.

It. Was. Fabulous.

And yes, it helps to eat on a Minnie Mouse place mat. I also put it on a kids' plate so it looked like I was eating more. Mind games...

This afternoon is going to be a "down" day for me. I have a little bit of laundry to do, but I'm not going to extremes. My friend, Jessica, would be proud to know that I successfully tackled my "couch laundry" the other day, so I'm not looking to bring it back anytime soon! LOL!

Last night, I started going through my Pioneer Woman cookbook and marking recipes that I would like to try. Of course, it was pure torture seeing all the delicious pictures of things I cannot eat right now. But, today, I'm going to finish going through the book so I can get my family's meal plan for the next couple of weeks.

I want to try the beans and skillet cornbread, and also the burgundy mushrooms. Grace wants me to make these:

They look delectable. I am in trouble! Since the recipe makes 40-50 rolls, I might have to give some away. I'm sure none of you will mind...  ;-)


"Finally, build up your strength in union with the Lord and by means of His mighty power."  ~Ephesians 6:10


Unknown said…
Ha ha ha! Glad your couch laundry is under control. My bed laundry is finally gone, too! It was a little more critical for us, since we kinda needed to sleep there.

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