Day 5: Evening

**Blogger Disclaimer: Beware of picture overload**

Today is National Coffee Day. An entire holiday, devoted solely to coffee drinkers.

I love coffee. That's really all I can say on the subject. I love coffee. It truly is a miracle drink. I love it hot. I love it cold. I love it with spices. I love it with cream. I love it with caramel hot chocolate.

I would drink it in a boat.
And I would drink it with a goat.
And I would drink it in the rain.
And in the dark. And on a train.
And in a car. And in a tree.
It is so good, so good, you see!

So I will drink it in a box.
And I will drink it with a fox.
And I will drink it in a house.
And I will drink it with a mouse.
And I will drink it here and there.
Say! I will drink it anywhere!

My apologies to Dr. Seuss for taking such liberties, but it's so much fun to rhyme about coffee.  :-)

Oh, the things people can do with coffee these days...

And for my "Family Guy" lovers:

This was me when I was still working:

And this is me now:

I NEED this T-shirt:

Oh, look. Here's what your coffee says about you (you may have to click to enlarge):

And here's a link to anything you could possibly want to know about coffee roasting.

Anyway, the whole point of this coffee dialogue is to allow me to put my current feelings on paper (or on screen). Since I am without my yummy morning beverage for awhile, I need an outlet!

But I'm finished... for now...  :-)

Changing subjects, one of my family's favorite meals is homemade pizza. The crust is homemade...

The sauce is homemade...

The ingredients are homemade... okay, not really...

The crust and sauce recipes are from my mom, and they are AWESOME! Tonight, at Natalie's request, we had hamburger, pepperoni and cheese. She is not really a pizza eater, so when she requests it, I have to oblige!!!

The girls wouldn't let me take a picture of the finished product first - they were HUNGRY!!!

And, what do you do with a little leftover dough? You make homemade cinnamon streusel dessert pizza...

All of which I couldn't have...

That's how much I love my family.

Time for my veggie burger and spinach... and water...


"Finally, build up your strength in union with the Lord and by means of His mighty power."  ~Ephesians 6:10


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