Toddler-to-English Dictionary

It's a well-known fact that kids will say pretty much whatever comes to mind. When they are trying to get a firm grasp on the English language, some of what comes out can be quite amusing. Joel and I are always tickled by the things Grace (and now, more and more, Natalie) says. Here are some of our favorite phrases (and their English translations):

Ah-eesh = Paci
Bankee = Blanket
Buhdutt = Pizza
Dub-dub = Ketchup
Peep-pops = Flip-flops
Dindy = Windy
Spigorous = Asparagus
Mama = Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt, Uncle, etc. ...
Ah-sh-sh-sh = Look at this
Uh-Oh = I did something and it's best you don't know what it is
Woof-woof = The sound all animals make when you're 14 months old; a greeting to be used when conversing with servers at Applebee's
Mukick = Music
Choo-choo = What to say when you hear a whistle... any whistle
Bus = Any yellow vehicle
Woop/Loop = Our nephew (Grace's and Natalie's cousin) Luke


Sara said…
That's hilarious! Hobbs also says "bankee". :) I love "dub dub" though. You can't beat the names they come up with for things. Thanks for the giggle! :)

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