The media won't let him fail

I can't take it anymore.

It's been 72 hours straight and counting - the media with its inaugural odes to the "Messiah;" the "Magic Negro" (their words, not mine).

Yes, inaugurating the first black president is historic. Yes, this country has made major strides when it comes to Civil Rights. But, no, not everyone is in love with the idea of the United States turning into a Socialist nation.

Yet, here we are, staring at the face of the latest poster boy for Socialism in awe and wonder. And his media pals are soaking it up - one inaugural champagne glass at a time.

No one stood a chance against Barack Obama in this presidential election, because no one had more undying devotion from the media. No one had more press coverage, positive news stories, panty-waste interviews, I could go on and on.

Conservative politico Rush Limbaugh hit the nail on the head in a Jan. 5 commentary:

"I have never in my life seen mass media so in the tank for an individual or a concept or a proposition as I am seeing the Drive-Bys [media] totally in the tank for Barack Obama."

To the media, Obama is a "Savior." To them, he is the only one who can lead us out of this supposed dark and dreary world in which we now reside (all thanks to the Republicans, of course).

Obama is the media darling, which is why, even if he is knee-deep in political sludge and controversy, the media won't let him fail. Problems we have four years from now will still be blamed on the Bush Administration or the Republicans in general, even though, chances are, those problems will have come as a direct result of Obama policies (yeah, let's raise taxes on small businesses; let's provide more government hand-outs; that'll make the economy turn around).

But Obama is the Golden Boy of the media - heaven forbid they do their objective jobs and expose him and his agenda for what they really are.

According to a recent poll (published Dec. 11, 2008) conducted by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, an overwhelming 56 percent of Americans said news stories about the 44th president were mostly positive. Whether they voted for the guy or not, more than half of the country thinks Obama's coverage was positive.

For John McCain? A similar poll conducted by the PRCPP in July 2008 found that Obama ranked higher in press coverage (73 percent to 62 percent) and public visibility (71 percent to 11 percent) during the '08 campaign.

Yeah, that seems objective.

The media's negative spins on health care, Social Security, the economy, the Iraq war (which, by the way, 59 percent of Americans say is going very well) and everything else under the sun, have put Obama and his freakishly leftist party in a position to govern for many years. The media is appealing to your feelings, not to reason, and that is why certain groups of people, 100 years from now, will continue to be in the positions they are in.

For example, let's pour billions of tax dollars (your hard-earned money) into government programs like Welfare and Universal Health Care because Billy Bob Joe in Cousin, Arkansas, just can't afford to live. He needs all the help he can get from the government. He needs our tax dollars to survive. He is too lazy to get his fat butt off the couch and get a job. Never mind the thousands of dollars he owes in back child support.

And he's not alone.

So, while our hard-earned money is going to support Billy Bob Joe's monthly Welfare stipend, Billy Bob Joe is sitting back, shoveling in the hand-outs, and not making a conscious effort to change his situation. Ask anyone in the Deep South if their lives got better after Carter... after Clinton. Ask them four years from now if their situations changed with Obama in Washington.

They will all tell you, "No."

What? The candidate who ran on "Change You Can Count On" didn't change your life one bit?

So why do they keep electing Democrats to office?

It's simple - the media.

The media have capitalized (oh, no... I mentioned the "C" word) on the uneducated masses' inability to make decisions for themselves. The media have decided to make up the masses' minds for them. And they do this by promoting programs that keep people dependent upon the government.

Don't have insurance? Universal Health Care will fix everything. Too stupid to use birth control and now you're stuck with 7 bastard children that you can't afford? Welfare will fix everything. Price of basic goods going up? A minimum-wage increase will fix everything.

Guys like Keith Olbermann and George Stephanopoulos keep everyone thinking that they have to be dependent on the government so the public will continue to elect their buddies, the Democrats. If not, they try to convince you that the whole country will go to crap otherwise.

The increase in government's presence in your lives is Socialism at its worst. defines Socialism as, "a broad set of economic theories of social organization advocating state or collective ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods, and an egalitarian society characterized by equal opportunities for all individuals and a fair or egalitarian distribution of wealth."

In theory, it sounds okay. But put it into practice (see 1929-1945), and it simply does not work.

The latest case-in-point? A Jan. 11 interview of Obama by Stephanopoulos:

STEPHANOPOULOS: Let me press you on this, at the end of the day, are you really talking about over the course of your presidency some kind of a grand bargain? That you have tax reform, health care reform, entitlement reform, including Social Security and Medicare where everybody in the country is going to have to sacrifice something, accept change for the greater good?


STEPHANOPOULOS: And when will that get done?

OBAMA: Well, the -- right now I'm focused on a pretty heavy lift, which is making sure that we get that reinvestment and recovery package in place. But what you describe is exactly what we're going to have to do. What we have to do is to take a look at our structural deficit, how are we paying for government, what are we getting for it, and how do we make the system more efficient?

STEPHANOPOULOS: And eventually sacrifice from everyone.

OBAMA: Everybody is going to have to give. Everybody is going to have to have some skin in the game.

And I'm sure Stephanopoulos, Olbermann and all the other liberal media wackos will be fighting over who gets to be first in that line.


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