If I Had a Million Dollars, The Results...

As promised, here is my list of what I would do with a million dollars (in no particular order):

1) I've always said that if I had a lot of money, I would build my own shelter for stray or abandoned animals. Of course, this would also probably require the purchase of land, but I could also have a smaller kennel in my back yard, provided I built a fence! I have such a bleeding heart for animals. Joel is just kind of along for the ride!!!

2) I would pay off my house, car and student loans

3) I would give some to charity (a battered women's/children's shelter most likely)

4) I would support the arts (music in schools is key - pardon the pun)

5) I would save some for the girls' education - have you seen what it costs to go to a state college???

6) I would take a trip to England/Scotland/Ireland - actually, I would take lots of trips to lots of places - one thing I wish I could do more of is travel...

What you said...

Here's what some of you have told me (through the blog, Facebook, MySpace and e-mail):

Pay off debt

Have a really big wedding

Save for a rainy day

Save for college

Pay off a house


Give to charity

Seems like I'm hanging with the right crowd... :-)



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