If I Had A Million Dollars...

I'm listening to this song right now on my blog (the Barenaked Ladies can be geniuses at times). It's not really a serious song (I already have enough macaroni and cheese), but it still poses an interesting question. It's making me think about what I would do if I had a million dollars. I've started a list, and I will post it in a few days, but first, I want to hear from all of you. What would you do with a million dollars? Let me know and I will post some of your ideas, too (anonymously, of course). :-)



This is nothing special, but we'd first give a chunk of it away. Then, we'd pay off our house to own it free and clear. We would probably take a trip to Australia/New Zealand (our ultimate dream vacation in this house). The rest would be saved for kids' education and our retirements.

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