Brace yourselves...

A very poor pun on my part. You may remember this post from a couple of weeks ago...

In it, I talked about my mom's back issues and what needs to be done to fix them. In short, she needs surgery (a risky one, at that). However, she received word from her insurance company that they won't pay for the surgery until her doctors do "more" to try and fix her back, rather than just jumping into a procedure. However, the insurance company has had 3 different doctors tell them that surgery is the only thing that will fix my mom's back. It's all really frustrating for my mom.

She has been in pain since March. We found out the first week of July that her back was broken in 2 places (why it took her doctors that long to figure this out is beyond me). She was supposed to have surgery on Aug. 23, but the insurance company canceled it (for the reason above). Now, she has to wear a back brace for 60 days (pretty much all the time except for when sleeping), and then the insurance company will re-evaluate whether surgery is still needed (it will be). That still doesn't guarantee that they will give the thumbs up for the procedure, though, so my parents are in the midst of an appeals process. More frustration for my mom.

I hope she gets some relief soon. She has been in so much pain. She hasn't wanted to eat much. Her spirits are down, and she is very disappointed that she won't be able to babysit Maddie, like she had planned to, when I go back to work. What a way to spend your first few months of retirement, huh?

The doctors told her she would be able to live as normal a life as possible after the surgery, so we're hoping we get some good news soon. My mom could really use some encouragement, and she wants to be able to play with her grandchildren without constantly being in pain. Until then, she's in this brace, wishing and hoping...


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