Random survey (fun, fun)...

Name: Amber
Birthday: October 16
Birthplace: Wichita, KS
Current location: Rose Hill, KS
Eye color: Brown with a splash of hazel
Hair color: Red
Height: too short
Right-handed or left-handed: Right-handed
Your heritage: Something European
The shoes you wore today: My black "fit flops" from Victoria's Secret
Your weakness: In men, it is a sense of humor or an accent; in myself, it is my love of food
Your fears: Being cheated on; spiders; snakes
Your perfect pizza: Pepperoni, mushroom and EXTRA cheese
Goal you would like to achieve this year: Reduce my debt
Your most overused phrase on an instant messenger: LOL
Thoughts first waking up: Just 5 more minutes...
Your best physical feature: My eyes or my smile
Your bedtime: Whenever my newborn decides to go to sleep!
Your most missed memory: Driving my Grandpa Shaw's golf cart
Pepsi or Coke: COKE!!!
McDonald's or Burger King: Wendy's
Single or group dates: Single
Lipton Iced Tea or Nestea: Lipton
Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla with chocolate on top
Cappuccino or coffee: YES, PLEASE!!!
Do you smoke: Not anymore
Do you swear: Sometimes, especially when I'm really stressed out
Do you sing: All the time - you be the judge if it's good or not
Do you shower daily: I try to, but I'm a busy mommy
Have you been in love:Yes
Do you want to go to college: I have already graduated, but I miss school (call me crazy)
Do you want to get married: I'm already married to a wonderful man
Do you belive in yourself: Most days
Do you get motion sickness: Yes, and altitude sickness
Do you think you are attractive: Sometimes
Do you get along with your parents: More so now than when I was younger
Do you like thunderstorms: ABSOLUTELY - They're sexy!!!
Do you play an instrument: Clarinet, piano and some percussion
In the past month have you drank alcohol: No
In the past month have you smoked: No
In the past month have you been on drugs: I've NEVER done drugs
In the past month have you gone on a date: Our anniversary on 8/4 was the last time I was on a date
In the past month have you gone to a mall: Sadly, yes
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: No
In the past month have you eaten sushi: No, but I've had fish sticks... does that count?
In the past month have you been on stage: No
In the past month have you been dumped: I hope not, otherwise, I'm pretty clueless
In the past month have you gone skinny dipping: No, but that used to be one of my favorite pasttimes...
In the past month have you stolen anything: No
Ever been drunk: Yes
Ever been called a tease: No comment
Ever been beaten up: Only by my brother when we were little
Ever shoplifted: Yes, but I was 7 and after paying the consequences, I will never do it again
How do you want to die: Peacefully, in my sleep
What do you want to be when you grow up: A writer/producer of movies (but I will always be a kid at heart)
What country would you most like to visit: England/Ireland/Scotland 
Number of drugs you have taken: NONE
Number of CDs you own: Too many to count
Number of piercings: 4
Number of tattoos: None
Number of things in your past you regret: I don't have any regrets, only mistakes that I have learned from

In a Boy/Girl...
Favorite eye color: Grayish-blue
Favorite hair color: Dark brown (almost black)
Short or long hair: Short
Height: It doesn't matter, but he needs to be taller than me when I wear heels
Weight: It doesn't matter, but he should NEVER be able to fit into anything I wear!!!
Best clothing style: T-Shirt, jeans, well-worn ball cap


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