Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho...

... it's back to work I go!

Today was my first day back from maternity leave after 12 weeks off. To say it was bittersweet would be an understatement. I enjoyed the adult conversation, though, and was reminded just how much I love my job.

I didn't like the 1,100+ e-mails waiting for me in my inbox, though (I still have more than 500 to sort through).

I only called the sitter once to check on Maddie... she was fine, of course. I was sure she would be - it was me I was more worried about. I didn't sleep very well last night - I was kind of a basket case. But, I was OK today.

The 4-inch heels might have been a little much on my first day back since I haven't worn heels since before my pregnancy (about a year ago). My feet definitely were NOT used to them (OUCH)!!!

All in all, it is great to be among the working again. If I could, though, I might seriously consider being a stay-at-home mom. Financially, we're not at that point yet. Maybe someday...  :-)

Sure did miss my baby. It will get easier, though...


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