Friday Evening Ramblings...

Joel is at a class right now and all of the girls are sleeping, so what better time to update the blog, right?

I'm actually really bored right now. I couldn't wait for the girls to go to bed, and now that they are asleep, I want them to be up to keep me company. Actually, Maddie can sleep. She hasn't slept well today and has been fussy. I don't know if she's had a tummy ache from nursing (something I ate, perhaps?) or if she is catching Grace and Natalie's cold. Natalie has been complaining of an ear ache the past two days, so we went and got a prescription filled for her today. I hope Maddie is not coming down with something. Having a sick baby is no fun at all. :-(

Joel's class is actually a 2-day seminar he has to take for the WSU School of Business. It is tonight and most of tomorrow. He is going out for some beers with a friend afterward tonight. I don't ever get to go out with friends anymore - makes me kinda jealous... and tired... There isn't a day where I'm not without at least 1 child. With Joel taking 13 hours of class this semester and working close to 60 hours a week, he's not around much to give me a reprieve. I long for a day all to myself to do whatever I want. Most of my friends don't live around here anymore, but that's OK... I wouldn't mind traveling for a day... Don't see that happening anytime soon, though.

My mom is having surgery on Monday for her back. It is broken in 2 places. The surgery is kind of risky, but not having the surgery is risky, too. I just want her to start feeling better. These past few years have been pretty rough on her with her auto-immune disease, and this back injury is just one more thing she's had to deal with. She's got to have this cement stuff injected into her spine to help the bones fuse back together. Some of the risks include paralyzation if the surgeon injures her spinal cord, or death if the cement leaks into her lungs or brain. She is really scared... I am, too. But, I think it's a risk worth taking if it will help her to finally feel better. I keep telling myself, and her, that we have to stay positive and know that everything will be fine... and we have to pray... a lot...

Well, that paragraph was a total downer, so I will talk about something cheerier. I weighed myself today, then weighed myself again while holding Maddie... 11 pounds already! She is getting to be a little chunky monkey. I love her to pieces. Here are a couple of recent pictures of her:

And, finally, as if this post wasn't random enough, I've been working on several things lately, but haven't managed to finish any of them. I'm vowing to have at least 2 of the following items marked off my to-do list by the end of the month:

Update the girls' baby books
File pictures in albums
Organize the girls' school scrap books
Hang new curtains in the girls' room
Hire a contractor for some home repairs on the siding (bids are in, just need to decide)
Re-caulk and re-paint the house (probably hire someone for this, too)
Complete the family budget (something new I'm trying via Dave Ramsey)
Complete the following books I've started reading:
It's quite a daunting list, I know, but it's all got to be completed sometime. A mother's work is never done... or so I've heard...

Well, this post has been random enough for one evening. I am going to go feed Maddie and go to bed. Tomorrow evening my parents are coming over for dinner - porcupine meatballs, mashed potatoes, corn, homegrown cucumbers and tomatoes, and cupcakes and ice cream for dessert. Should be a good time, and hopefully, we can all take our minds off Monday. Prayers for my mom that everything goes smoothly and she makes a fast and complete recovery. :-)

Blessings and love to you all...



Not that I expect you to take a huge amount of advice from your sister-in-law and brother-in-law (because you know, families are hard to listen to sometime), but as you probably know, Marc and I are HUGE Dave Ramsey fans (we should be since we are getting ready to lead our 3rd Dave Ramsey class)....So, I highly recommend you make the family budget a FIRST priority, and you should definitely include Joel (that would be Dave's advice)....Also, if your budget doesn't work the first month or the second month, KEEP GOING. Figure out a method that works. As technologically saavy Marc and I are (or at least think we are), we actually have found that are monthly budget works best on good old fashioned paper (as opposed to a spreadsheet). Also, just because you make a budget one month doesn't mean you have it done. The budget has to be done EACH MONTH. Expenses do change each month (home repairs, electric bills, etc.). So, do it each month. But, the most important thing on this VERY LONG comment, is to NOT GIVE UP on the budget. Yes, it's frustrating at first, but it's worth it in the end....I hope your mom's surgery goes O.K. Joel hadn't told me she's having surgery.

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