River Festival Fireworks 2010

You may recall this post from last year...

Well, this year Joel and I again attended the River Fest Sponsor VIP party and Capitol Federal Fireworks. This year, we also took the girls. The entire day, all Grace could talk about was going to see the fireworks. She was so excited!!!

Since Cap Fed is the sponsor of the fireworks, we get front-row treatment. Joel got to shoot the canons off again this year, along with his dad (totally the highlight of their year so far).

I decided not to take any pictures or video of the fireworks this year because I wanted to just sit back and enjoy them. But, I did take a couple of the girls before the fireworks started. They were not fond of the canons, but we heard a lot of "ooooohs" and "ahhhhhs" coming from them during the actual fireworks. :-)

We had a great time and are looking forward to next year!


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