Playing Catch-Up, Part 2...

I've been a little lazy this past month in updating the blog, so I apologize in advance for the inexcusable amount of late posts. Here goes:

Grocery Shopping
Our local Dillon's grocery store has these mini shopping carts for kids to push around. I normally don't let the girls do this, because I have my own cart to push and I can't keep them from going all over the place and running into things (or people). However, on this particular day, I didn't have very many things to purchase, so I allowed them each to have a cart (we want to avoid public fights at all costs). Here they are, shopping for beverages. I'm not sure why Grace was being such a cheese...

"May Day" Wedding
A couple who both work with me got married on May 1st. I have to say I'm closer to the bride since I've worked with her more on various things, but I like them both. We didn't have the best seats during the actual ceremony, so I waited until the reception to take a couple of pictures. I regret not getting a picture with the bride, but I took one of the couple on their first dance. I also decided it was time for an updated picture of Joel and me (big belly and all). For dinner, we had a Mexican buffet (YUMMY). I had to forgo the champagne toast for sparkling grape juice - a tasty alternative, though I absolutely LOVE champagne! Congrats, Chris and Christy!!!

B-Day Celebration
On April 19th, we got together with Joel's family to celebrate his sister's birthday (3/1) and his birthday (4/8). We had some really good grilled bratwurst and turkey burgers, along with lots of side dishes and dessert (we never leave his parents' house hungry). Joel and our brother-in-law Marc were in charge of the grilling, and as you can imagine with two men their ages, there were some immature comments and gestures regarding the meat. :-) The girls had fun playing with their cousin Luke. And, during dessert, they had fun trying on Grandma's glasses and a pair of "joke" glasses. Too cute! :-)

Fun at the RH Rec Center
Grace and Natalie went to a b-day party for a couple of boys they are good friends with through church and day care. It was at our local rec center. It was kind of a free-for-all with all kinds of activities. I liked this approach because the kids could just play whatever they wanted and wear themselves out! We had fun with basketballs, dodge balls and roller boards.


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