Don't have a garage sale if...

... you might have more kids one day!!!

That's my little piece of advice for the week. Last June, Joel and I held a garage sale to de-clutter our basement and get rid of a lot of the "baby" things we thought we didn't need anymore. We knew we were probably going to have another baby sometime in the future, but that was a few years away...

...or so we thought...

Thankfully, we kept all of the large items - the crib, mattress, changing table, car seats, strollers, etc. However, after finding out back in November that I was pregnant again, we didn't realize how much we wished we had kept the little things until we had to start buying them again.

In the past couple of months, we have purchased:

**A new car seat (this one has a narrower base to allow for all three car/booster seats to fit in the back of my Trail Blazer)
**A new highchair
**A Pack-n-Play (we got rid of the bassinet in the sale and thought this would be much handier on trips - we didn't have one with the other two girls, but we can already tell this was a wise investment, even if this child is our last!)
**A new baby activity mat/gym
**New crib sheets/blankets/dust ruffle/bumper
**New burp cloths
**New covers for our Boppy nursing pillow
**Some newborn outfits
**Several bottles and nipples
**Nursing bras
**Nursing bra pads
**Diapers (Babies R Us had a sale, so we stocked up...gobs and gobs - all sizes - the newborn size amazes me each time...sooooooo small!)
**Wipes (see diapers...)
**Pacifiers (we debated this one knowing how long it's taken the other two to give them up!)
**Nursery toys
**Baby wash
**Baby lotion
**Baby powder
**Baby laundry detergent
**A baby keepsake book
**A larger diaper bag
**Wooden wall letters for the baby's name (a tradition)

Granted, some of these things aren't necessities, but expenses nonetheless. We had kind of forgotten how much stuff is required, even though it's only been about 3 years since Natalie came along. And, things are definitely more expensive than they were 3 years ago. We elected to forgo a baby swing this time. I guess we'll decide after Maddie comes whether that was a wise decision or not! We also do not plan on replacing the walker we sold. Other than that, I think we've prepared as much as we can... I just need to get my hospital bag packed!!!


Raising Koehns said…
Add a crib mobile to the list - we got ours out yesterday and it was broken. Made a trip to Target...

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