Fireworks bonanza

The bank where I work is the sole sponsor of the Wichita River Festival fireworks. Each year, employees and their families can sit on the Douglas Street bridge, right below the fireworks, and listen to the Wichita Symphony twilight concert and watch the fireworks (special passes required, of course).

This year, Joel and I were invited to go with some of the other managers to the special VIP sponsor party (free buffet dinner and beer), which took place on Saturday night, right before the fireworks and symphony concert. From there, we could go to the bridge and watch the fireworks.

Every now and then, employees and/or their spouses have the opportunity to shoot the canons during the 1812 Overture. This year, Joel was selected to participate (beer and munitions always go good together). Security was tight, so I wasn't allowed to go with him to take pictures (Army National Guard rules). Joel said you could feel the canon fire throughout your entire body and he said it was really cool, except he wished he could have shot the canon more than once. I wished I could've had a picture (or video). I do, however, imagine it looked something like this:

This is a picture of Joel pretending to shoot a canon on the Civil War battlefield at Manassas, VA. (08/08/03)

I managed to get some video of the National Guardsmen shooting off the extra rounds after the Overture concluded...

I also got a couple videos of some of the fireworks. The second video is of the finale (actually, it is the end of the finale, but I wasn't sure when the finale was going to be, so I didn't time it very well)...

The evening was a lot of fun, and I'm hoping we get to do it all again next year!


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