Catching up...

This post is going to be somewhat of a conglomeration (what a fun word) of several different events - pretty random - but we all need a little randomness every now and then.

First up - a couple of pictures of the girls on Valentine's Day. I got them musical princess cards that play a song called, "Every Girl Can be a Princess." I don't know how many times we've had to listen to them open and close their cards. I'm kind of surprised the sound card isn't worn out yet. :-) But, the cards made them happy and that's all that matters, right? Here they are on Valentine's morning, listening to their cards and eating breakfast in our bed. They are too precious...


Next up is a blurb about my mom. Our church just recently started a bell choir, of which she is a participant. If you do not know what a bell choir is, basically, people get together and ring bells. Each bell has a different tone, and when played together, they produce a very lovely sound. My mom is very musically talented, so this came pretty easy for her. Here she is, during the choir's debut performance of "Spirit Song." I don't know why my flash never works in that sanctuary...


Next up, just some random pictures of the girls doing two things they love - washing dishes and reading books. They don't really wash real dishes, mainly their play ones, but Joel is proud nonetheless. He says it's instinct for them. I moan, then hope the excitement lasts through their teenage years. I may never have to do a dish again! :-)


Last, some pictures of my office at work, the day after I found out I was having another girl. My employees came in early to decorate. I was very surprised when I arrived. There were ribbons and little decorations everywhere, several sets of little pink plastic booties, a stuffed animal and a pillow that had a hand-drawn family portrait of us (including a couple of the animals). :-) VERY nice gesture...


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