Weight Watchers

2 weeks ago, I started a diet (the yucky 4-letter word). I've been watching what I eat more (portion control) and counting Weight Watcher's points. I've also started exercising again. Well, I've been walking, anyway. The other night, Joel and I drove my typical route to see how long it was. It was 3.1 miles, which surprised me. I thought it was less.

Anyway, I won't post a "pre weight loss" photo yet. I want to wait until I've lost some more weight first. So far, I've lost 7 pounds. I want to get to pre-baby size, so it might take me awhile (unless I step up the exercise). Wish me luck! It's HARD!!!

Here's a photo of me and the girls shortly after a walk (again, please excuse the sweat). As you can see, they were ready to get out of the stroller!!! :-)


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