Catching up...

I figure I'd better catch everyone up on what we've been doing the past couple of weeks, seeing as how my doctor thinks I could pop this kid out anytime. :-) My time could be very limited after she comes! LOL!!!

On June 10th, Natalie turned 3. I can't believe it has been 3 years since God blessed us with our little Natterbug. On the 12th, we had her party. She was so excited about all of the new presents, and it was a lot of fun hanging out with family. My best friend, Laura, also came with a couple of her kids. We haven't seen each other for awhile, so I was glad she could make it. Here are some pictures from the fun day...


The next weekend was Father's Day. Sadly, I was too distracted to take pictures, but I do want to say that I have the best dad, husband and father-in-law, and I would be remiss if I didn't post a picture of each of them. They are all wonderful role models and have done an amazing job with their children and grandchildren. I love you, Dad, Joel and J. Harvey!!!


On Monday (6/21), Joel took the girls to a new sprinkler park in Newton, KS. His sister, Sarah, lives there, and she met them there with her son (our nephew) Luke. The girls had a great time, but as you can see below, Joel got a little ornery... :-)


And last, but not least, I haven't posted an updated preggo picture of myself in quite some time, so here I am at 35 weeks, 2 days (on 6/12 - Natalie's party). I was miserable then, and I am miserable now. The doctor says we're just playing a waiting game now - she thinks it could be anytime - so I'm glad I've made it to 37 weeks (full term). However, if by some miraculous chance I happen to make it to 39 weeks (7/8), I will be induced on that day. Because of the gestational diabetes, my doctor won't let me go past 39 weeks. So, if all else fails, we will definitely have a baby on July 8th!!! Can't wait!!!



Did you expect anything less of Joel?
Raising Koehns said…
No. And he wonders why he is stereotyped...

From the back end, it looks like he has a tail... :-)

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