It's over...

Well, the 2008 Christmas season has come to an end and everyone in our house is looking forward to a busy (but hopefully wonderful) 2009. In all, Joel, me and the girls shared in 3 family Christmases. We enjoyed seeing everyone, even if the days were short.

Because of a chance for severe weather (and a yucky cold my uncle caught), my grandparents and uncle from Western Kansas did not make it down until mid-day on Christmas. My parents have been so busy lately with some major home remodels, so I offered to cook the entire Christmas dinner. My mom, of course, made the traditional rolls (secret family recipe) and crust for the pies, but everything else was up to me. I was so exhausted by the time we were ready to eat that I could barely keep my eyes open. I didn't eat much, and soon developed a killer migraine (UGH!!!). I managed to make it through the unwrapping of gifts and help the girls with their haul (they made out like bandits... seriously, folks... we almost had to rent a moving van to drive the 4 blocks from my parents' house back to ours...). However, I went to bed as soon as we made it home.

All of the events were wonderful and I will post pictures soon. I've been so busy at work the past couple of days that I haven't felt like doing much when I get home. You're lucky I'm even writing this. I just felt the blog needed an update. I'm going to go take some Nyquil and go to bed. Since Saturday, I've been fighting off a head cold. Maybe that's why I wasn't feeling well on Christmas... hmmmmmm...

Pictures to come, but bare with me. With 2 toddlers, I don't even have time to shower every day!!!

Oh, and did I mention we're weaning Grace off the pacifier? Yeah, that's not helping the exhaustion factor any... :-)



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