"Fair" well

This post is a little belated, but I didn't have much time this past week to update the blog.

Last Saturday (9/11), Joel, me and the girls went to the Kansas State Fair with his parents and sister's family. My sister-in-law hit it on the head when she blogged that it was definitely a kid-focused trip to the fair. The majority of our evening was spent in the carnival area. Grace and Natalie were so excited to finally be big enough to ride some of the rides by themselves. And when I wasn't watching them on the rides, I was looking for a nursing room for me and Maddie. I don't think I saw anything at the fair that I wanted to see. Oh, well. That's what happens when you have kids. Perhaps another time...

On the way to Hutchinson, my car reached 100,000 miles...

This was a shaved ice truck we saw a few blocks before we got to the fair. Joel, of course, made a perverted comment...  :-)

Natalie and the bunnies...

The girls and the bunnies...

Carousel fun...

Another "Merry-Go-Round" ride at the fair...

My nephew, Luke, watching Grace and Natalie on the rides...

The girls, Luke, and my sister-in-law Sarah on the Tonka Trucks ride. We all have a little "kid" in us, even in our 30's... right, Sarah?  :-)

Riding the State Fair choo-choo train...

The "Lucky Ducky" prize booth. The girls each "won" princess jewelry. Oh, boy...  :-)

A choo-choo carnival ride. As Natalie said, "We rode two choo-choos!!!"

Wrapping up the evening at the horse stables. All Grace could talk about was the horse that made a "BIG poop!"  :-)

Our car ride home...  :-)


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